Kolej Kediaman E merupakan salah satu daripada tiga buah kolej yang berada di dalam kampus iaitu Kolej AB, Kolej CD dan Kolej E sendiri selain dua lagi Kolej Kediaman yang berada di luar kampus iaitu Indah Permai (IP) dan Kingfisher (KF). Sebelum Kolej Kediaman E bertapak di sini, ia adalah sebuah perkampungan kecil yang dinamakan “Suang Paroi” (padi). Namun hasil daripada penubuhan Universiti Malaysia Sabah yang memerlukan penempatan untuk pelajar-pelajarnya, Kolej Kediaman E telah dibangunkan dan secara rasminya diduduki oleh pelajar pada 15 Jun 2004, yang mana pada awalnya hanya terdapat Blok A1, A2 dan A3.
Kolej Kediaman E ini dibina atas konsep penswastaan mengikut kaedah “BLT” (Built, Lease & Transfer) atau (Bina, Sewa & Pindah) oleh Syarikat Konsesi Sepanggar Jaya JV Sdn. Bhd. Projek ini dimiliki oleh tiga pengusaha besar iaitu Chase Perdana Development Sdn. Bhd (60%), Segi Warisan Sdn. Bhd (30%) dan Yayasan UMS (10%). Bedasarkan Perjanjian Konsesi selama 30 tahun, Kolej Kediaman E ini terbahagi kepada dua fasa iaitu Fasa I dan Fasa II.
Fasa I adalah dimana sebanyak tiga buah blok asrama telah dirikan pada awalnya iaitu A1, A2 dan A3. Manakala pada Fasa II pula, dua buah blok lagi telah dirikan iaitu Blok B1 dan B2. Bangunan blok A1 dan A2 mempunyai 64 buah apartment manakala bangunan A3 mempunyai 61 buah apartment. Bangunan blok B1 mempunyai 70 buah apartment manakala bangunan B2 mempunyai 72 buah apartment. Anggaran secara kasarnya kolej ini dikatakan boleh menempatkan sebanyak 7,200 katil. Perjanjian ini turut menyatakan bahawa Chase Perdana Sdn. Bhd. Telah dilantik sebagai pihak pengurus dalam projek ini.
The E Residential College is one of three colleges that are in the campus of UMS. UMS, residential college consists of AB, CD College and College of E itself apart two residential college that is located outside of the campus, those are Indah Permai (IP) and Kingfisher (KF). Before the E-Residential College established here, it was a small village named “Suang Paroi “(rice). But the result of the establishment of University Malaysia Sabah in need for the placement of its students, the E- College Residential was developed and formally occupied by students on June 15, 2004, which were initially the available Blocks was only A1, A2 and A3.
E-Residential College was built on the concept of privatization on the “BLT " (Built, Lease & Transfer) or (Create , Rental & Move ) by JV Concession Sepanggar Jaya Sdn . Limited. The project is owned (60%) by Chase Perdana Development Sdn. Ltd., (30%) by Triangle Heritage Sdn. Ltd. and (10%) by the Foundation for UMS . It is based on a 30- year concession agreement, the E- Residential College are divided into two phases: Phase I and Phase II.
Phase I where there are three blocks of the hostel that was built at the beginning of those are block A1, A2 and A3. Whereas in Phase II, two blocks away had set those are block B1 and B2. The building of block A1 and A2 have 64 apartments and A3 has 61 apartments. The B1 building B1 has 70 apartments and B2 has 72 apartments. Roughly estimate the college can accommodate a total of 7,200 beds. This agreement also states that Chase Perdana Sdn. Limited. has been appointed as the manager of the project.
Misi / Mission
- Kearah melahirkan para intelektual yang progrsif, berdikari dan bertakwa
- Towards producing progrsif intellectual, self-reliant and cautious
- Membina satu gagasan untuk mengangkat martabat mahasiswa sebagai seorang intelektual dan memupuk semangat intergrasi.
- Build an idea to uplift the student as an intellectual and foster integration.