Tuesday, 21 February 2012

When We Sport as One Big Family

Kiulu White Water River Rafting is the first program implemented by the Sports and Recreation Exco JAKMAS E.  This program involves Rexus’s Club and are open to students of the E Resident. Located The Kiulu river, is located at Tamparuli and the event was held on December 9, 2012 , total of 52 participants including two FELO that was with us,  Mr. Hasnol Noordin and Ms. Rehana Mohd Shah Jahan .This program is designed to introduce students to the rafting sport. The program also aims to test fitness, stamina strength of the students and aims to fill the free time for participants to engage in the activity worthwhile and challenging to sharpen the mind to think more creatively and critically .The main objective of the program is to develop the skills and enthusiasm to work in a team among the participants. It also is to improve communication skills among participants. At the same time , they develop leadership skills and self-esteem among participants as well as shaping the minds of the participants to think critically and find solutions in the face of critical situations . All of these objectives tailored to suit the desire of the students to meet up and meet the characteristics of Soft skills are necessary in the students , especially the students and current undergraduates .
Even we were tired we are one big family ...
Rafting is one big challenge that we overcome together

The second program under this Exco followed on 14 April 2013. UMS Peak Challenge is a program that emphasizes the leisure as well as stamina endurance test E. Residential College students To attract students to participate, cash prizes and hampers awaits participants will get first place until the 6th of both male and female categories .
UMS Peak Challenge proposal was approved on March 14, 2013. Immediately after the meeting with the directors of each division continued to be held for a detailed briefing about the program and the field of their work. Recommend via Facebook, memos, opening counters in cafeteria E and banners were carried out. Other preparation of the survey was made in advance to ensure the track is safe for students. On the day of the event program, all hunched Committee assignments respectively. Participants released at 8:20 am the leaderof the program. Run started by the boys, followed by 10 minutes of female participants following the security division and the secretariat to take their places at the specified checkpoint. Closure and simple presentation was made at the site Graduates, Chancellor Hall and presented by the Fellowship Coordinator Exco Sports and Recreation JAKMAS E, Mr SM Salim bin S. Ibrahim. The program ends on jam10 am, an hour earlier
Climb to the Peak and be the winner...

Morning run is good for health

We are ready....

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